Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Feeling shite and more

Hi There…

Today kind of sucks for me..

Its kind of awkwardly hot… and windy (hay fever)… and I feel like shite … I’m considering being a wanker… and going straight edge… Because I’m sick of feeling like a scotch filled ashtray.

At least I can wear crazy clothing and indie glasses - a la this guy

But probably not…

Went for a few beers last night at rooftop bar.. .wasn’t too impressed with a plastic pint glass of Stella costing $9.5… but what can you expect… it’s a bar on a roof…. The view was nice and it wasn’t too cold… until it got to about 9 o’clock… then they bought the heaters out…..

Tried the new McDonalds Angus Beef burger… and the verdict as I would put it… average..

Yeah It was a gourmet bun, and the onion was red but the lettuce was brown, the meat was a little dry and the cheese was the same shit they use for the cheeseburgers… Plastic.
And to pay 7.95 for a burger... give me a burrito any day.

Lucky I don’t eat Mickey Ds too often.

I think I am still suffering the repercussions from last week’s boat ride, which was ‘the boat that rocked.’

Here’s a review of a great gig set up by my second Family (Carnation) let’s hope they do more like this."

The boat was packed, and after handing out 40 pizzas with caitlin, we decided to get our drink on..

Come the end of the boat trip... Amazing bands, a million overpriced beers and an epic self rendition of bohemian rhapsody I was fuckered.!

Still feeling it.

So…. Something that has pepped me up today – I decided to go through my old iPod to rediscover my youth music ..

To which I found;
Naughty by Nature – Brilliant
New Edition – Hit me offfffffff
Re found my love for R. Kelly porn R&B
A fantastic song I haven’t heard in so long – red Astaire remix– Follow me – D’Angelo, Methodman & Redman – cant get any better

Also on a more serious note

If you remember me talking about how good District 9 was….
…apparently not so good of a movie… according to some..

Yes the premise, the social commentary was well done and in some way an effective mirror on our world… but one thing I failed to take into account, and I think many others did too.

Where it was filmed – seems to have been a parallel to the story they were telling, a poor area, with people living much like the aliens in the film in makeshift houses, uncomfortable and unstable. . And bringing big Hollywood to these peoples lives is kind of a kick in the face.

Paying the local extras $12 a day (when you know they could afford more), then having lush amounts of catering and comfort right in their faces.

A short piece about it here…

(Regardless – it is a great movie.. its just a shame that these things had to happen to get it made, I still recommend you see it)

So on a closing note….

How awesome is Stupid Graffiti

Love Flipp

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha penis :p

    Follow Me...what an awesome song. Reminds me of DJ Defoe times.
