Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Brilliant day

Helllooo motherfuckers!

I'm firstly excited to see if this new blogg iPhone app works.

But..... how good is today sun is shining for the first day ever

Had a scotch and a beer at lunch followed by the quickest sandwich ever. It's put me in a great mood. But I know well probably have a week of rain to follow. Not to worry who's in for a beer tonight where shall we go?

Work has been kind of disgusting because my boss keeps farting horrible. And even worse cos I am stuck in here with the in out there. Contemplating jumping out the window but it's too high.

Other than that I've Been on a bit of a rant. Twilight is shitting me up the wall. The girls at work are obsessed with it. Half naked posters of rob Patterson or what ever his name is.

The damn books/films are pro Mormon propaganda if you ask me.
The thing that bothers me even more is we have 2 forty plus ladies here who also have half naked screen savers and posters of the guy. Weird.

Annother weird older person thing - I saw an older business woman on the tram this morning playing rpg game on her nintendo DS ... Time to get laid miss.

On another note. If anyone hasn't seen district 9 yet. Please do so. Brilliant movie. Tell me what you think.

By the way whoever invented these things need to make them last longer I've gone through 2 today

Who ever said drinking was bad?

Love Flipp

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