Monday, August 31, 2009

New much needed (for my own sanity) Blog

Hello Blog town,

I realised I have got to get into this more…have been on a creative blank for the last few months..

Especially considering how much I despise working at my job.

So... Anyway what’s new with me…?

Still catching the tram to work everyday… surrounded by the friendly crazies… and the horrible self proclaimed normal people, who look down on everyone else…

This morning I get on the tram, this designer clad woman, sitting on her seat, sees a blind guy on the tram feeling for a seat… her legs are in the way of his stick…. So she sighs heavily because she has to move them out of the way… sensing this bitch, the blind guy turns and asks her if he can sit down… to which she replies….im sorry, ive only got a few stops to go

The man standing next to kind of snappily says, just give him the seat will you…. To which she replies.. .’you know, you can still stand, when you’re blind

Luckily another woman got up… and bumped the lady as she did.

Me standing across the tram… just shook my head.

Other than that… coming into work to a sleazy boss, who is both racist/sexist/homophobic and just a general tyrant… the type who tricks you into false hope of hey buddy! Lets have a beer… oh we’re all good… now work! Before I ruin your life!

It’s making me a sad motherfucker… one that’s not keen to do much… resorts to not talking to anyone …and slamming shit around …

I need some creative outlet... or to work in a job I might actually enjoy.

Also – I’ve found I need to calm down on the going out aspect for the next month, as I am going overseas and cannot afford to blow all my cash like I did this weekend.

So a usual thing put in my blogs… from MySpace blogger Facebook Livejournal etc… things I like/want/hate…etc

SO… things I want at the moment

This Sweater –

A New Camera.. a proper one … my aim to become the next - moustache and sleazy demeanour included

New Mac laptop…

Tickets to Anfield in OCT – ha! Good luck

I honestly need some new clothes.. I’m starting to get predictable.. grr..

Thing I am liking ATM –

Pho Vietnamese beef/noodle soup stuff

Cider – as always

NCIS – cannot beat it

Boston legal

The prospect of leaving my job/going overseas..

My rediscovery of MILO! Best ever

Milo and otis is pretty cool too…

Now as such a miserable prick… my favourite part – what I HATE at the moment…. And the list goes on…

Number one on the agenda… that lady on the tram…

number 2 – ticket scalpers.. oh…. As you may have seen from my last facebook update… man.. ive seen it a million times.. people buying 4-5 tickets not needing all of them, solely to wait until the very last moment and jack the price up ! its just plain rude..

third… something that happens most days…. My boss goes to the pub at midday doesn’t come back for 3 hours… blind and starts yelling at me about stuff that doesn’t make sense..

also.. this is an office whinge… - how come at every office there is one middle aged lady who is the ‘Office Queen/Nazi’… always group emailing about keeping the kitchen clean or ‘im throwing out everything from the fridge…come and save your stuff’ or is the only one who organises work social events… or is always the first to gossip or bitch about someone else… get a life love… or a boyfriend… (snap)

other than that… I leave you with a picture of a pug… keeps me happy!

ADIOS People!... until next time!